No opinions! You got to be kidding me, is there such a thing? I started paying attention, and guess what? OMG, opinions going on everywhere! Especially in the hair salon, my day J.O.B. Needing to be especially mindful. Thinking and rethinking my words before I engage in the conversation or respond.!!!!!!
But, all in the same breathe. I also find myself feeling relieved that I have permission to not have an opinion. All of a sudden, things or instances that once mattered so I thought, do not. Hum, maybe there is something to this exercise asked of us this week. Why do my opinions, or listening to others going to make a difference? As the week goes on, I am kind of getting the purpose!

Let’s keep adding more to the list:
Adding another chore to the list, with another shape for subby to link. Reading daily 4 promises, affirming that I always keep my promises! A lot of new habits formed to replace old habits. Still doing Scroll 1 from the Greatest Salesman in the World, 3 times a day followed by our DMP with added PPN’s. A lot of new blue print material being linked to new priorities, with no opinions, we are training our new world!
Then, to top it all off just when overwhelming thoughts are taking over. Added to having no opinions we are now putting together a press release. Biggest part, is that we are writing it ‘as if’ our DMP is part of the attained part of our life. As if, the interview is by someone we have respect or value.
In addition, a total of 1000 words is the expected length. You got to be kidding me. The weekly blog of 300 words is about the most I have ever written in probably 30 years. That weekly challenge, in my opinion, had to put that in there! Is already pushing my comfort level to the max. But, I keep using the law of dual thought. Applying a new thought or feeling to a chore so that I can over come challenges put in front of me.
So many things to share, but I’m mentally done for now peeps!
Till we connect again next week. Keep saying some prayers for strength!

"This is the exact info I personally used to grow a 6-figure network marketing business before I was 28 years old and fire my boss… without cold calling or bugging friends & family... and I'd like to show it to you as well!"
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Took a bit to get all this information together, but with a little persistence it is now complete!
Hi Brenda!
That’s a great opportunity this no Opinion, and I agree that is amazing how much we are thinking Opinion.
Like the comment I’m leaving, is as well opinion? Anyway, let’s do the best we can as much we can in the maximum. I want just to encourage you to continue this magic process, because I’m sure a the version of yourself you truly want will emerge 😀
OMG Opinion,Opinion, Opinion 😛